Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
0505C 10 ST A3 C 628-17 09/07/2001
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A - General 0505A
B - Classification & Compensation 0505B
C - Examinations 0505C
D - Employee Training 0505D
E - Employee Benefits 0505E
F - Labor Relations 0505F
G - Human Resource Systems 0505G

DEFINITION: This is managerial or highly responsible supervisory human resource work directing a major portion of the total human resource program for a large agency, or directing a statewide developmental or research program within a central human resource agency.

An employee in this class supervises lower level supervisors who direct employees performing developmental and operational work in a major portion of the overall human resource program of a large Commonwealth agency; or directs a major developmental activity supervising employees engaged in the interpretation of labor agreements, and the presentation of cases at state or area labor/management committees in a large Commonwealth agency; or directs a major segment of a statewide program supervising employees performing developmental work or research in a central human resource agency. Emphasis at this level is placed upon the size of the agency, the number of labor unions represented in the employee population, and the multi-agency responsibility of central human resource positions. Employees report to a higher level human resource administrator who reviews the work through reports, correspondence, and overall observations of program results.

EXAMPLES OF WORK (GENERAL): Manages a major segment of the overall human resource program for a large agency including responsibility for supervising developmental and operational activities, and responsibility for two or more programs covered by different parentheticals.

Manages a major program within the State Civil Service Commission at the Division Chief level or higher, where the program impacts all state agencies and is critical to overall state human resource operations.

EXAMPLES OF WORK (CLASSIFICATION): Manages a major segment of the Commonwealth's Classification program in the Office of Administration, with responsibility for supervision of advanced program specialists, and interaction with agency and union officials on the full spectrum of salary issues and occupational comparisons. Work also involves management of the Commonwealth's classification grievance process including supervision of specialists in grievance investigation and resolution, and presentation of cases in arbitration.

EXAMPLES OF WORK (EXAMINATIONS): Manages a division charged with test development or human resource assessment research in the State Civil Service Commission including supervision of developmental specialists who conduct detailed job analyses and independently develop examination documents/instruments.



EXAMPLES OF WORK (LABOR RELATIONS): Supervises a professional staff in the Office of Administration who are responsible for investigating and responding to grievances and advocating grievances on behalf of the Commonwealth before an arbitrator, and providing training and technical guidance to agency labor relations staff responsible for resolving labor/management disputes.

Manages a division and supervises a staff of program specialists and directs the labor relations program for a large Commonwealth agency. Work involves contract administration, coordinating development of agency positions in contract negotiations, developing agency policy for contract administration, conducting statewide meet-and-discuss sessions with unions representing agency employees, supervising staff who present cases to or serve as panel members at area or state labor management committee meetings, and representing the agency in contract negotiations.

Employees in this class may participate in the performance of their subordinates work consistent with operational or organizational requirements.



GENERAL: Knowledge of public human resource management programs and practices.

Knowledge of government human resource functions and the division of responsibilities, and ability to apply this general knowledge in coordination and performance to duties.


Knowledge of the principles of position classification in public service including current developments and techniques for specialized needs and occupational groupings.

Knowledge of the principles, practices, and techniques of compensation plan development and administration.

Knowledge of the reference sources of information regarding the development, modification, and administration of classification and compensation plans.

Ability to apply these knowledges in the development, review, and monitoring of classification and compensation functions.

Ability to collect and analyze job data through review of documents, interviews, questionnaires, and reports.


Knowledge of the principles of examination development and evaluation.

Knowledge of the principles, practices, and current techniques of test development, validation, and research as applied to the general requirements of public human resource administration.

Knowledge of the reference sources of information regarding examination development and evaluation.

Ability to apply these knowledges in supervising the development and evaluation of testing and other special programs in a number of occupational areas common to public organizations.

Ability to gather job data through development of questionnaires, interviews, job descriptions, and other job analysis techniques.

Ability to plan and manage the conduct of assessment and research programs to meet the goals of the state merit system.

Ability to supervise the development and use of human resource assessment tools and monitor their effectiveness from a technical and managerial standpoint.

Ability to plan and conduct training for assessment professionals, and client agency human resource and program officials.

Ability to explain assessment methods, issues and data to members of the general public, Commonwealth officials, and judges.


Knowledge of the principles of employee relations.

Knowledge of the principles, practices, and techniques of collective bargaining including the evaluation of existing contracts, assessment of contract proposals, preparation of recommended approaches, negotiations, contract interpretation, and contract and grievance administration.

Knowledge of basic precedents and principles in labor relations law.

Ability to apply these knowledges in the resolution of negotiations and the consistent administration of contract agreements.

ALL PARENTHETICALS: Knowledge of advanced principles, methods, and techniques of public human resource administration.

Knowledge of the principles and practices of public human resource administration sufficient to interpret human resource rules, directives, procedures, and other controlling processes.

Skill in operational management activities in obtaining program objectives within time and resource constraints.

Ability to direct advanced managerial and supervisory work involving broad human resource programs and functions including the identification of needs, establishment of working priorities, development of methodology, supervision of staff, resolution of technical difficulties, preparation of recommendations, and installation and monitoring of work processes.

Ability to apply knowledge of current developments in public human resource management including the inter-relationships of various human resource functions such as recruitment, placement, classification, labor relations, benefits, training, human resource systems, and safety.

Ability to prepare and to supervise the preparation of involved rules, regulations, procedural systems, and other management controls.

Ability to read, write, and communicate orally in English.

Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with associates, supervisors, operating and staff service officers, representatives of employee organizations, employees, and members of the general public.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: One year as a Human Resource Analyst 4 in the area of the parenthetical;


One year as a Human Resource Director 2 or a Field Human Resource Officer 3, and two years of professional experience in the area of the parenthetical,


Two years of experience in the performance of advanced supervisory human resource work of a developmental nature in the area of the parenthetical; and a bachelor's degree;


An equivalent combination of experience and training.