Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
47585 11 ST F3 N 999-99 12/12/2010
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06/29/2009 47585


DEFINITION: This is professional and administrative work assisting in the direction of statewide social reorientation program areas for criminal offenders in community-based correctional centers.

An employee in this job is responsible for planning, developing, evaluating, and managing statewide social reorientation programs or statewide facility operations and security programs of state-operated and contracted pre-release centers designed to reorient selected criminal offenders to non-institutional living. Work involves evaluating, developing, and implementing community-based programs, policies, procedures, standards, and objectives while maintaining safety and security at all community corrections facilities. Work includes directing a professional staff engaged in the administration of social reorientation programs and the daily operations of the Community Corrections Centers. Work is performed with considerable independence and is reviewed by the Community Based Correction Program Director for compliance with established policies and for effectiveness.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: Oversees, monitors, and evaluates social reorientation programs or security operations utilized by the Bureau of Community Corrections.

Establishes new policies and reviews and updates existing policies related to the operational procedures of the Bureau of Community Corrections as contained in Volume 8 of the Administrative Manual, the Contract Facility Manual, and the Fiscal Procedures Manual.

Coordinates the Bureau’s programs with other governmental and private sector criminal justice agencies.

Provides input for planning and implementation of the Bureau’s annual budget.

Analyzes, interprets, and reports research results and current penological trends.

Conducts on-site inspections of state-owned and contracted facilities.

Evaluates Requests for Proposals and other proposals received from contractors.

Ensures American Correctional Association compliance for respective functional areas.

Functions as Incident Command System Coordinator for the Bureau of Community Corrections.

An employee in this job may participate in the performance of subordinates’ work consistent with operational and organizational requirements.

Performs the full range of supervisory duties.

Performs related work as required.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: Knowledge of individual and group behavior with emphasis on the behavior of persons who have been involved in delinquent or criminal activities.

Knowledge of the principles, methods, and practices of criminal justice programs.

Knowledge of techniques used in policy research, program analysis, and program planning.

Knowledge of penological principles and practices.

Ability to analyze and interpret policies, procedures, and regulations.

Ability to communicate effectively in writing.

Ability to communicate effectively orally.

Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Five years of professional experience in the field of social or behavioral science, including two years of criminal justice experience and two years in an administrative or supervisory capacity, and a bachelor's degree;


An equivalent combination of experience and training which includes two years of criminal justice experience and two years in an administrative or supervisory capacity.