Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
01090 10 ST A3 N 999-99 09/26/2014

11/09/2006 01090


DEFINITION: This is advanced technical and managerial work in support of the Pennsylvania Public Safety Radio System.

An employee in this job is responsible for managing one or more areas of the integrated statewide radio/data telecommunications system that provides a standard framework for shared communication among state and local emergency management, law enforcement, and emergency medical services agencies. Work involves overseeing the development, management and maintenance of all radio frequency, microwave and site infrastructures; directing the development of proposals for equipment, facilities, and services to establish or improve the radio system; establishing and implementing policy and procedures for the maintenance and operation of the radio system; interacting with senior vendor and state government personnel to review and approve contracts, leases and licenses for services and real estate; and managing the Network Operations Center. Work involves contact with representatives of governmental organizations, contractors, consultants and others interested in providing or receiving public service radio support or services. Supervision is exercised over subordinate supervisors that perform advanced technical and administrative functions. Work is performed independently and is reviewed by an administrative/technical manager serving as the overall project director.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: Manages administrative functions including FCC/FAA licensing, overall database management, user contract administration, utility administration, vendor contract administration, and wire line connectivity.

Manages engineering and maintenance functions including consultant services, negotiating and administering contracts for the maintenance of all site equipment, radio frequency, microwave and site infrastructure, including sites with towers, shelters, generators with related transmitters, and antenna structures.

Manages Network Operations Center (NOC) functions including establishing provisions for staffing of contracted personnel, adequate system training, developed system procedures, and managing equipment and software.

Develops and monitors both the capital and operating budgets, including special funds.

Develops and implements policies related to the use and operation of radio system infrastructure.

Negotiates and manages contracts or licenses for construction, services, leases and real estate.

Reviews and approves billings for vendor contracts.

Presents technical and administrative reports to potential system partners, current participants, legislative groups, and Commonwealth administrative superiors.

Provides consultation and technical assistance to various agencies, governmental organizations, consultants and contractors.

Performs the full range of supervisory duties.

Employees in this job may participate in the performance of their subordinates’ work consistent with operational and organizational requirements.

Performs related work as required.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Knowledge of the principles and practices of radio/data telecommunications systems: planning, design, development, installation, operation and compatibility.

Knowledge of the principles and practices of project management and effective supervision.

Knowledge of the principles of organization, methods and procedures as they relate to government operations involving radio, microwave and related telecommunications.

Knowledge of Federal and state regulatory agencies, laws, rules and regulations pertaining to radio/data telecommunications.

Knowledge of the current engineering and design/testing standards that apply to radio/data telecommunications systems.

Ability to plan, supervise, and evaluate the work and resources of subordinates, contractors and participant organizations to implement the statewide radio/data telecommunications network.

Ability to perform technical analysis of telecommunications systems plans and specifications, identify problems, and recommend solutions.

Ability to prepare and review detailed designs, proposals, specifications, and cost estimates for various radio/data telecommunications networks and systems.

Ability to present technical information in a clear, concise manner, orally.

Ability to present technical information in a clear, concise manner, in writing.

Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: One year as a Radio Specialist Supervisor;


Six years of radio, microwave or related telecommunications experience which includes two years of supervisory or project coordination, one year of radio-based system design or configuration, and three years of general telecommunications experience that involved the installation, repair or maintenance of large commercial and/or governmental systems or systems engineering analysis with a public utility, governmental agency or private company.

A bachelor’s degree or post high school training in telecommunications technology, radio communications or electronics with emphasis in radio or microwave telecommunications may be substituted on a year for year basis for up to two years of general telecommunications experience.