Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
09565 55 XH A3 N 803-05 03/31/2023


JOB CODE: 09565

DEFINITION: This is highly responsible managerial and administrative work providing strategic leadership for the operations of the State Employees' Retirement System (SERS).

The employee in this job serves as Secretary of the State Employees’ Retirement Board with responsibility for overseeing the coordination of all board and subcommittee activities including board governance, board education, meetings, agendas, and documentation. The employee in this job also serves as the chief executive officer of the agency for all administrative functions and in the administration of the defined benefit, 401(a) defined contribution, and 457 deferred compensation plans, including considerations pertaining to financial stability and long-term viability. Work involves directing and coordinating agency operations in accordance with applicable provisions of law and policies of the State Employees’ Retirement Board, including the board-approved investment asset allocation. The employee in this job maintains continual contact with members of the board, investment and actuarial consultants, commonwealth officials, employers, employees and their representatives, and other interested parties concerning legislation, policies, and procedures involved in the administration of the retirement system. Work also involves reviewing and analyzing legislation affecting the retirement system and implementing legislative mandates. Oversight is exercised over central office and field operations through supervision of managerial, supervisory, professional, administrative, technical, and clerical staff. Work is performed with considerable independence under the general direction of the State Employees’ Retirement Board, and is reviewed through meetings and reports for attainment of goals and overall effectiveness.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: (NOTE: The examples of work are representative of the work, but every position classified to this job may not perform all examples of work listed. Conversely, this is not an all-inclusive list of work examples.)

• Serves as Secretary of the State Employees’ Retirement Board.

• Oversees strategic planning deliberations with the State Employees’ Retirement Board and subcommittees.

• Informs the State Employees’ Retirement Board on relevant trends, adverse media, and other matters of criticality.

• Oversees the entire member and participant services program for SERS, which involves ensuring timely and accurate reports of member, participant, and employer data; maintaining accurate account data; and ensuring timely and accurate benefit determinations and payments.

• Oversees all SERS administrative functions, including information technology, contracting and purchasing, facilities and fleet management, print services and mailing, and human resources.

• Manages the agency budget to ensure adequate funding for strategic initiatives.

• Serves as liaison between SERS, the Pennsylvania Treasury, the Pennsylvania Department of the Auditor General, and investment and mortgage managers in arranging for investment of retirement system funds.

• Ensures retirement plan assets are properly safeguarded and invested in accordance with adopted policies.

• Advises the legislature and administration on matters relating to current benefit plans, potential impacts of design changes to existing employee benefit plans, and logistics and considerations for the creation of new plans.

• Reviews and analyzes proposed legislation and legislative developments affecting the system and presents findings to the State Employees’ Retirement Board, legislative committees, and other interested parties.

• Directs the maintenance of files and records, the compilation of data, and the preparation of reports required for actuarial, financial, fiduciary, and governance audits and studies.

• Receives requests for information concerning SERS and provides information as authorized by the State Employees’ Retirement Board.

• Performs the full range of supervisory duties.

• The employee is this job may participate in the performance of subordinates’ work consistent with operational and organizational requirements.

• Performs related work as required.


• Knowledge of the principles and practices of public and business administration.

• Knowledge of the accepted principles, practices, and strategies in the field of retirement and pension systems.

• Knowledge of strategic and operational planning techniques.

• Knowledge of the principles and practices of change management.

• Knowledge of the principles of financial management and investments.

• Knowledge of the use and functionality of Microsoft Office suite software.

• Ability to exercise effective administrative and technical supervision over a large staff.

• Ability to develop, install, and maintain complex and large-scale administrative procedures and operations, and to evaluate their efficiency and effectiveness.

• Ability to exercise judgment and discretion in developing, applying, and interpreting authorized policies and procedures.

• Ability to communicate effectively orally.

• Ability to communicate effectively in writing.

• Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships.

FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: (NOTE: These are expected of an employee performing the work of this job at the full performance level. These are not used for merit system evaluation or examination purposes and are not position-specific performance standards.)

• Knowledge of the State Employees’ Retirement Code.

• Knowledge of retirement, investment, and pension plan management, programs, and service delivery.

• Knowledge of the defined benefit, defined contribution, and deferred compensation plans.

• Ability to evaluate agency program effectiveness to identify problems, devise solutions, and develop consensus and cooperation among competing interests.

• Ability to evaluate agency programs for the development and modification of operations, policies, and procedures.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: (NOTE: Based on the Entry Level Knowledges, Skills, and Abilities)

• Six years of managerial experience including at least two years of senior leadership in a pension fund and a bachelor’s degree;


• An equivalent combination of experience and training which includes at least two years of senior leadership in a pension fund.