Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
11240 04 ST B1 C 541-ED 09/01/1994

06/01/1989 11240


DEFINITION: This is technical work in computing the quantities and costs of materials used in the construction of highways, bridges, structures, or dams or other water conservation projects.

An employee in this class reviews and interprets engineering drawings, survey and inspection notes, and rough sketches of highways, bridges, structures, or dams or other water conservation projects, and prepares sketches as required to depict all types and classes of materials in geometric units. The quantity cost of each unit is then computed through the application of standard formulae.

Work is assigned with general instructions and specific objectives by a technical supervisor or lead worker and reviewed upon completion for accuracy, neatness, completeness, and adherence to established standards.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: Participates in the interpretation of notes, drawings, and sketches, the preparation of sketches, and the calculation of highway, bridge, structural, or dams or other water conservation project quantities.

Analyzes detailed shop drawings, prepares sketches, and computes quantities of materials used in bridges or related structures.

Analyzes field notes and sketches and calculates quantities of contract unit bid items for highway or bridge construction activities such as plain and structural steel, and structures.

Reviews inspectors' notes and sketches, interprets design plans, prepares sketches, and computes quantities of all materials used on assigned construction projects.

Prepares general summary forms of amounts of each class of item used in construction, and computes cost of each class of item to establish final payments made to contractors.

Operates computer terminal in order to verify payments made.

Operates computer and/or a PC to gain access to various information programs, i.e., Contract Management System (CMS), Statistical Analysis System (SAS), Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS), and Roadway
Management System (RMS).

Performs related work as required.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: Knowledge of the symbols used in preparing construction plans for highways, bridges, structures, or dams or other water conservation projects.

Knowledge of principles and formulae applied in computing areas and volumes of geometric figures.

Knowledge of the physical characteristics of materials used in highways, bridges, structures, or dams or other water conservation projects.

Knowledge of the principles applied in the design of highways, bridges, structures, or dams or other water conservation projects.

Knowledge of surveying as it relates to construction.

Ability to prepare sketches of construction projects.

Ability to calculate amounts of materials rapidly and accurately.

Ability to interpret construction plans, reports, and specifications.

Ability to learn to operate a computer terminal or a PC.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: One year experience as a Technical Assistant.


One year of experience in the computation of construction quantities.


An associate degree in an appropriate engineering technology.


Any equivalent combination of experience and training.