Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
26560 09 ST C3 N 999-09 11/01/1999

04/06/1993 26560


DEFINITION: This is managerial work at the divisional level in the identification, evaluation, and preservation of historic resources for the Bureau for Historic Preservation, Historical and Museum Commission.

An employee in this class plans and directs the work of supervisory, professional, technical, and clerical employees engaged in a statewide program for the preservation of archaeologically and historically significant sites, buildings, structures, and districts. Work involves providing policy direction and consultation to public and private agencies in order to develop and stimulate interest and awareness of historic preservation laws, policies, programs, and projects in the Commonwealth. Duties include developing program and financial budgets for division-level program areas and responsibility for planning, directing, and monitoring the expenditure of financial and personnel resources. Work is performed with considerable independence under the direction of the Director, Bureau of Historic Preservation.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: Plans and organizes work, assigns work, and reviews work performance.

Prepares and signs employee performance evaluation reports.

Interviews prospective employees and recommends employee selection or ranks applicants in terms of preferability for employment.

Receives grievances and complaints, conducts investigations into causes and conditions, discusses with employee, and resolves or recommends solutions to grievances and complaints.

Receives, reviews, and approves or disapproves leave requests.

Interprets contractual and administrative rights and obligations for employees and modifies work environment or process to conform to changing conditions.

Plans and directs grant programs designed to assist institutions in the furthering of historic preservation projects and programs.

Provides direction in the preparation of nominations to the National Register of Historic Places.

Coordinates and directs Panel Reviews for the Commission's grant program. Develops and recommends program priorities, emphasis and funding ceilings for grant categories and panel grantee recommendations to the Commission.

Provides testimony at hearings and attends Federal/State meetings for coordinating Pennsylvania's preservation program.

Reviews and recommends policy or changes in Federal and State laws, regulations and standards governing historic preservation.

Assists public and private institutions, agencies and persons by interpreting and administering regulations pertaining to the National Register of Historic Places, the National Historic Preservation Act, and Commonwealth historical, archaeological and preservation requirements.

Works with community development boards, planning commissions and other groups and offer direction on reviewing and managing historic preservation projects and environmental resources.

Directs and reviews surveys, research and documentation in certifying and registering historically, archaeologically or culturally significant buildings, sites, structures, districts and neighborhoods for the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Program. Consults with community organizations on establishing municipal historic districts under the History Code.

Plans and directs the nomination process for historic properties to the National Register of Historic Places.

Plans and coordinates the grant guidelines and regulations governing all Commission grant applicants and grant agreements.

Plans, coordinates and convenes workshops, seminars, and public forums on the dissemination of preservation techniques, programs and general information on managing historic and environmental resources.

Prepares articles for publication in preservation and historic journals, landbooks, brochures.

Directs and reviews restoration and preservation projects in accordance with Federal and State regulations and policies established by the Commission.

Meets with officials from other State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO's), Federal agencies and other preservation organizations for developing and coordinating preservation strategies, approaches, policies and programs.

Monitors and reviews reports and information on federal, state, public and private preservation issues and projects.

Performs other work as required.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: Knowledge of American, Pennsylvania or architectural history, archaeology, with particular emphasis on the significance of major periods, architectural styles, and trends.

Knowledge of the methods, techniques and sources used to manage archaeologically, historically and architecturally significant buildings, projects.

Knowledge of archaeological, restoration and preservation techniques and skills used in the restoration and preservation of significant structures, buildings and sites.

Ability to read and interpret topographical maps and plans.

Ability to write clearly and develop publications, newsletters and press releases.

Ability to present information to organizations and public groups through meetings and speeches.

Ability to interpret and apply Federal regulations as they relate to preservation projects and programs.

Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with staff and public and private groups concerned with preservation, restoration of architecturally significant buildings and environmental resources.

Ability to conduct briefings, seminars, training workshops and conferences.

Ability to review historical narratives, descriptions, photographs and other forms of documentation for technical completeness and quality and to instruct others in preparing this material.

Ability to read and interpret architectural plans and specifications.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: A Master's Degree in Architectural History, Archaeology, or a closely related field; and one year in the Historic Preservation Supervisor classification.


A Master's Degree in Architectural History, American History, Archaeology, or a closely related field, plus three years experience working on an architectural survey, an architectural restoration and preservation project, historic preservation program, or a preservation assistance project.


Any equivalent combination of experience and training.