Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
41870 11 ST F3 C 774-03 05/15/2021


JOB CODE: 41870

DEFINITION: This is administrative and managerial work directing juvenile justice programs and the overall operation of a facility complex for adjudicated delinquent youth within the Bureau of Juvenile Justice Services (BJJS) in the Department of Human Services (DHS).

An employee in this job plans, organizes, and coordinates the facility operations and the treatment, rehabilitation, and social development programs of several youth forestry camps, secure treatment facilities, or youth development centers. Work involves developing and implementing operational policies, clinical treatment practices, and administrative procedures for a facility complex; participating in the development of overall BJJS program objectives and goals related to residential treatment and rehabilitation programs; and directing the planning, development, and coordination of comprehensive treatment programs with facility complex staff, juvenile courts, affected families, and community services organizations. Work also includes providing program operations information to the public and to interested groups. Supervision is exercised over Juvenile Justice Facility Program Directors. Work is subject to general review by an administrative supervisor through conferences and evaluation of reports for program effectiveness.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: (NOTE: The examples of work are representative of the work, but every position classified to this job may not perform all examples of work listed. Conversely, this is not an all-inclusive list of work examples.)

• Develops and implements administrative and operational policies and procedures related to staffing, training, facilities management, information systems, and safety for the facility complex.

• Directs facility complex staff providing administrative support and program delivery.

• Directs the development of activities, including social development, behavior modification, treatment, and rehabilitation, for adjudicated delinquent youth.

• Manages professional staff engaged in planning and providing clinical treatment, counseling, rehabilitation, and recreational activities to adjudicated delinquent youth.

• Coordinates educational and vocational activities with the local school district for adjudicated delinquent youth.

• Confers with juvenile court judges, probation officers, police, social agencies, and interested individuals and community groups on juvenile justice issues.

• Directs the investigation of suspected and reported cases of alleged child abuse or other employee misconduct and takes appropriate action on substantiated cases.

• Directs the inspection of facility complex buildings and grounds to ensure safety and security of adjudicated delinquent youth and facility staff.

• Directs the preparation and presentation of recommendations to the juvenile courts supporting the release, transfer, or retention of adjudicated delinquent youth.

• Coordinates with other state agencies, community groups, and family members on the treatment and rehabilitation objectives for adjudicated delinquent youth.

• Directs the preparation of reports and correspondence.

• Performs the full range of supervisory duties.

• An employee in this job may participate in the performance of subordinates' work consistent with operational and organizational requirements.

• Performs related work as required.


• Knowledge of the physical and emotional needs and related behavioral problems of adjudicated delinquent youth.

• Knowledge of individual and group behavior dynamics of adjudicated delinquent youth.

• Knowledge of rehabilitative treatment programs for adjudicated delinquent youth, such as recreation, social development, behavior modification, education, and therapeutic activities.

• Knowledge of the principles and methods of case management.

• Knowledge of the juvenile court justice system.

• Knowledge of the principles and methods of juvenile justice program planning, coordination, implementation, and evaluation.

• Knowledge of health, safety, and first-aid practices.

• Knowledge of the principles and practices of employee supervision.

• Knowledge of the use and functionality of Microsoft Office Suite software.

• Ability to develop and analyze policies, procedures, and practices for application to juvenile justice facility management.

• Ability to apply critical thinking skills to identify and resolve problems.

• Ability to interpret and apply regulations to program operations.

• Ability to communicate effectively in writing.

• Ability to communicate effectively orally.

• Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: (NOTE: Based on the Entry Level Knowledges, Skills, and Abilities)

• One year of experience as a Juvenile Justice Facility Program Director, DHS (commonwealth title);


• Four years of professional counseling experience with delinquent, pre-delinquent, or socially maladjusted youth in an organized program, which includes three years of professional supervisory experience, and a bachelor’s degree in the behavioral sciences, special education, juvenile delinquency, or criminal justice;


• An equivalent combination of experience and training that includes three years of professional supervisory experience counseling delinquent, pre-delinquent, or socially maladjusted youth in an organized program.