Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
43130 08 CM F3 C 999-99 01/01/2019

09/01/1978 43130


DEFINITION: This is administrative and professional work in the classification and treatment of inmates in a Commonwealth correctional institution or facility.

An employee in this class is responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing a classification and treatment services program for inmates in correctional institution having an inmate population in excess of 300; or for administrating a clinical services program in a Diagnostic and Classification Center; or planning, organizing, and implementing diagnostic, classification, and treatment programs for inmates in correctional institution having a population of approximately 150 to 300 inmates or in a regional correctional facility. Emphasis is on rehabilitation of inmates to the extent of influencing a change in attitude and behavior so that they may successfully reintegrate into society upon release. Employee supervises professional, technical, and clerical personnel. Work is assigned in the form of overall goals and general objectives and is performed with considerable independence in accordance with applicable laws, guidelines, and policies established by the correctional institution or facility and the Bureau of Correction. Work is reviewed by an administrative superior through conferences, reports, and evaluation of program effectiveness.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: Plans, organizes, and implements a classification and treatment services program involving casework management and psychological consultation for inmates in a correctional institution having an inmate population in excess of 300.

Administers a clinical services program in a Diagnostic and Classification Center which includes testing, classification, psychiatric and psychological evaluation, casework, counseling, therapy, and the development and implementation of comprehensive individual treatment plans.

Plans, organizes, and implements programs involving diagnostic, classification, and treatment activities which also may include medical and religious services, academic and vocational training, and leisure time activities for inmates in a correctional institutional having an inmate population of approximately 150 to 300 or in a regional correctional institution.

Analyzes methods and practices in administering the classification and treatment program to assure achievement of meaningful results in the rehabilitation of inmates.

Conducts in-depth studies and introduces improved methods, practices, and techniques in administering specialized treatment or diagnostic services for the social and emotional development, economic improvement, and behavior adjustment of inmates.

Directs activities involving the reception and orientation of inmates, including testing, diagnosis, classification, therapeutic and individual counseling, casework management, development and implementing of individualized treatment plans, developing and maintain case histories.

Coordinates cooperative services in areas of medicine, religious guidance, academic and vocational training, and recreation activities required during initial process and institutionalization of inmates.

Reviews objectives of individualized treatment plans, the composition of support teams, and makes comparative evaluations of progress attained by inmates.

Assists the Superintendent of Deputy Corrections Superintendent for Treatment in establishing and maintaining functional coordination with institution operations, security, health and welfare services, personal services, and leisure time activities.

Plans and organizes work, assigns work, determines work priority, sets goals, reviews work performance, and evaluates work performance.

Interprets rules, regulations, policies, standards, and objectives of the organization or program to subordinates.

Prepares employee performance evaluation reports.

Establishes and maintains working relationships with Parole Board, the judiciary, and other law enforcement officials for the proper disposition of offenders.

Participates in providing community acceptance and understanding of the corrections program by lecturing before business, civic, and professional groups, conducting institution tours, and use of other public relations media.

Plans and develops a training program for subordinate staff.

Performs related work as required.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: Knowledge of modern correctional principles and practices.

Knowledge of individual and group behavior as related to minorities, underprivileged, and persons with criminal and delinquent background.

Knowledge of correctional institution management and operation.

Knowledge of laws relating to criminal procedures and correctional institutions.

Knowledge of availability and use of medical and social services, academic and vocational training, recreation, parole, and community based activities as related to the rehabilitation of criminal offenders.

Ability to plan, organize, and direct classification and treatment
activities in a correctional institution.

Ability to prepare and maintain reports and case histories.

Ability to establish and maintain working relationship with the judiciary, law enforcement, and state agency officials, and community leaders.

Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing.

Ability to plan, assign, direct, review and evaluate the work of subordinates.

Ability to supervise employees effectively.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Five years of experience is social work, counseling, education, or behavioral science, including two years in a correctional institution, one of which in a supervisory capacity, and a master's degree in social work, counseling, behavioral science, or related training;


Any equivalent combination of experience and/or training.