Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
48249 06 ST A3 N 761-15 07/01/2020


JOB CODE: 48249

SERIES NATURE OF WORK: The Veterans Services job series describes specialized work for the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) in facilitating veterans’ access to services, benefits, and programs.

DEFINITION: This is specialized work assessing the needs of veterans and their families and determining their eligibility for services and financial assistance programs.

An employee in this job is responsible for analyzing the individual circumstances of veterans to determine needs, recommending services and financial assistance programs for which they may be eligible, and making referrals to community service organizations. Work involves analyzing veterans’ applications and other documentation for the purpose of making eligibility determinations and service provider recommendations within a framework of state program regulations, laws, and court decisions; developing contacts with public and private service organizations; ensuring implementation of services; reevaluating eligibility determinations; and preparing denial packages for appeals. Work also includes recommending outreach efforts to veterans regarding available services and financial assistance programs; participating in making recommendations for legislative changes in state-administered programs; and revising, recommending, and implementing program policies and procedures. Supervision may be exercised over lower level clerical or technical staff. Employees independently make nonclinical service referrals and technical eligibility determinations. Work is reviewed by an administrative supervisor through meetings and an evaluation of work products and reports.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: (NOTE: The examples of work are representative of the work, but every position classified to this job may not perform all examples of work listed. Conversely, this is not an all-inclusive list of work examples.)

• Reviews veterans’ applications and related documentation and makes eligibility determinations based on state program regulations, laws, and court decisions.

• Evaluates veterans’ individual circumstances, identifies their needs, and refers them to the best resources, benefits, or assistance programs available to meet those needs.

• Researches, identifies, and vets governmental and nongovernmental services for veterans and their families.

• Establishes and maintains contacts with community partners to expedite and ensure the availability of services to veterans and their families.

• Analyzes data related to veteran services to project emerging needs and recommend changes to program services .

• Assists with developing veterans service programs to address new or previously unidentified needs.

• Conducts formal training for department staff, county veterans affairs offices, and other organizations regarding state programs, eligibility requirements, and available services.

• Receives applications for services and financial assistance programs and reviews for completeness and eligibility.

• Identifies, acquires, and verifies evidentiary documentation to support claims applications and appeals.

• Ensures implementation of services for qualified veterans.

• Reevaluates eligibility determinations for applicants who have been denied services.

• Prepares documentation for reversals or appeals.

• Processes program benefit awards for eligible applicants.

• Issues approval letters with award details.

• Issues denial letters to unqualified applicants, which include reasons for denial and appeal procedures.

• Provides expert testimony before the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas regarding state financial assistance programs and eligibility determinations for veterans who have been deemed ineligible and who are pursuing reversal through the court system.

• Collaborates with Veterans Services Officers, County Directors of Veterans Affairs, veterans’ organizations, educational organizations, and others to promote awareness and access to state veterans’ services and financial assistance programs.

• Communicates with state agencies to exchange information about claims and other programs available to veterans.

• Identifies and recommends changes to veterans’ assistance programs, including legislation, policies, and procedures.

• Travels or drives mobile van to assist veterans at sites that are not accessible by public transportation.

• Performs the full range of supervisory duties.

• May participate in the performance of subordinates’ work consistent with operational or organizational requirements.

• Performs related work as required.


• Knowledge of interviewing techniques used to gather information.

• Knowledge of public assistance programs and their eligibility requirements.

• Knowledge of the use and functionality of Microsoft Office Suite software.

• Ability to analyze and interpret written information.

• Ability to analyze and interpret personal financial income and expense statements.

• Ability to perform arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

• Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships.

• Ability to communicate effectively orally.

• Ability to communicate effectively in writing.

FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: (NOTE: These are expected of an employee performing the work of this job at the full performance level. These are not used for merit system evaluation or examination purposes and are not position-specific performance standards.)

• Knowledge of medical terminology used to describe the mental and physical disabilities typically experienced by veterans.

• Knowledge of common challenges experienced by veterans, relevant resources available to them, and methods for their successful reintegration to civilian life.

• Ability to develop and deliver formal training.

• Ability to apply pertinent laws, rules, and regulations in order to make eligibility determinations.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: (NOTE: Based on the Entry Level Knowledges, Skills, and Abilities)

• Four years of experience in analyzing and determining individuals' eligibility for public benefits or services programs;


• A bachelor's degree in human services, business administration, public administration, or a related field;


• An equivalent combination of experience and training.


• Certain positions in this job require possession of a valid Pennsylvania non-commercial class C driver's license or equivalent.