Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
54910 08 ST B3 C 765-09 11/09/2020


JOB CODE: 54910

SERIES NATURE OF WORK: The Natural Resource Program job series describes work in the development, evaluation, and promotion of natural resource programs or projects.

DEFINITION: This is advanced professional work planning, developing, and implementing a large-scale natural resource program or project designed to manage, protect, conserve, promote, and enhance natural resources within Pennsylvania.

An employee in this job develops, recommends, implements, and evaluates program regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines; analyzes and makes recommendations on proposed legislation impacting programs; and evaluates program performance by establishing key performance indicators, monitoring the implementation and management of programs, and preparing reports of findings and recommendations. Work involves building collaborative working relationships with federal, state, and local government entities, local and municipal planning commissions, conservation districts, external partners, advocacy groups, and the general public to secure funding and continued support for program development and implementation. Work is performed independently under the general direction of an administrative supervisor for effectiveness of results.


     • Work is distinguished from the next lower job by the responsibility for managing the largest and most complex natural resource programs which typically involve multiple bureaus and disciplines, have a regional or statewide reach, and have a significant impact on the agency’s mission.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: (NOTE: The examples of work are representative of the work, but every position classified to this job may not perform all examples of work listed. Conversely, this is not an all-inclusive list of work examples.)

• Develops and implements large-scale or high-profile natural resource and outdoor recreational programs such as PA Wilds, Rails to Trails, ecological communities, invasive species, the DCNR Ranger program, and wildlife, wild plant, and wetland management.

• Develops, recommends, implements, coordinates, and evaluates program policies, regulations, rules, procedures, and guidelines.

• Develops print and media materials to educate and communicate to the public.

• Reviews proposed legislation for possible impact on programs and makes recommendations.

• Creates project plans and develops and conducts feasibility studies for new projects and initiatives.

• Evaluates the communication requirements of programs and develops materials to address them.

• Reviews agency website to ensure natural resource content is valid and consistent with communications policies.

• Coordinates the integration of program curriculums for national projects with other bureaus and outside entities.

• Researches current and emerging program trends, issues, methodologies, and techniques to apply to agency programs and projects.

• Manages and disseminates program operating budget funds.

• Evaluates and manages the repair, servicing, replacement, or purchase of field equipment used for resource management, environmental education programs, and exhibits.

• Meets regularly with federal, state, and local government entities, conservation districts, advocacy groups, constituents, and other groups to identify opportunities to enhance or develop new programs.

• Establishes program performance indicators, conducts evaluations of the implementation of field programs, and prepares reports of findings.

• Evaluates the need for, prepares, and delivers training on program-specific subjects for field staff and the public.

• Interprets technical program goals, priorities, policies, procedures, and standards for subordinates, field personnel, co-workers, and others.

• Drafts, presents, and finalizes approved educational and informational material, such as pamphlets, factsheets, posters, and brochures promoting the agency and its services.

• Performs the full range of supervisory duties.

• An employee in this job may participate in the performance of subordinates’ work consistent with operational or organizational requirements.

• Performs related work as required.


• Knowledge of natural resource conservation, outdoor recreation, and interpretive learning principles and practices.

• Knowledge of natural resource and outdoor recreation organizations and related agencies including their objectives, specialized programs, and services.

• Knowledge of social, economic, and ecological factors that impact the planning and development of outdoor recreation and conservation programs.

• Knowledge of technical and educational writing principles.

• Knowledge of the use and functionality of Microsoft Office Suite software.

• Ability to interpret state and federal laws and legislative processes related to agency programs.

• Ability to plan, coordinate, and expedite work projects.

• Ability to collect and analyze data.

• Ability to develop, implement, and evaluate program rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and standards.

• Ability to communicate effectively in writing.

• Ability to communicate effectively orally.

• Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: (NOTE: Based on the Entry Level Knowledges, Skills, and Abilities)

• One year of experience as a Natural Resource Program Specialist 1 (commonwealth title);


• Three years of professional experience in natural resource management or natural resource education; and a bachelor's degree in natural resource management, parks and recreation, education, biology, forestry, ecology, geosciences, environmental sciences, or a closely related field;


• An equivalent combination of experience and training.