Job Code | Pay Scale Group | Pay Scale Type | Bargaining Unit | Civil Service or Non-Civil Service | Last Executive Board Change | Executive Board Change History |
56310 | 10 | ST | B3 | C | 752-03 | 08/21/2019 |
JOB CODE: 56310
DEFINITION: This is professional and managerial work in statewide plant protection programs, including entomology, plant pathology, and plant merchant licensing to protect Pennsylvania agriculture and environment from damage caused by plant pests.
The employee in this job is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of commonwealth statutes, rules, and regulations pertaining to plant protection, such as the Pennsylvania Plant Pest Act and the Bee Law, and is responsible for the initiation and evaluation of new program efforts in the fields of entomology, plant pathology, and nursery certification. Work includes managing professional staff involved in pest survey/detection, diagnosis/identification, compliance and enforcement, registration and certification, and pest management programs involving horticulture and honey bees; and providing technical direction through these specialists and their staff to regionally-based bureau employees. Work also involves coordinating the activities of the division with other state and federal agencies with similar interests. Work is performed independently within standards of bureau policy and is reviewed by the Director, Bureau of Plant Industry through conferences and review of written reports.
EXAMPLES OF WORK: (NOTE: The examples of work are representative of the work, but every position classified to this job may not perform all examples of work listed. Conversely, this is not an all-inclusive list of work examples.):
• Manages all statewide plant protection programs that include entomology, plant pathology, and plant merchant certification activities.
• Supervises managers who direct statewide programs in plant pest and disease survey, diagnostics/identification, apiculture, nursery/dealer licensing program, and compliance and enforcement.
• Develops and/or reviews regulations developed for all division programs.
• Oversees plant protection investigation activities with other state agencies, representatives of other states, and with the federal government, including review of federal plant pest requests for importation or interstate movement of various organisms associated with plants.
• Administers educational programs for the purposes of compliance enforcement and workforce recruitment by overseeing the development and implementation of programs through technical specialists.
• Directs functions of the Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory and Entomology Laboratory through subordinate managers.
• Oversees the development of certification and registration programs designed to provide growers/producers with the best management practices to obtain pest free plants and plant products.
• Directs the design, interpretation, and preparation of technical reports of surveys designed to determine presence/absence and economic or environmental impact of plant pests.
• Analyzes division business processes and institutes changes to enhance program efficiency and improve business climate for the regulated community.
• Prepares budget information for the Division of Plant Protection to be included in the budget request for the Department of Agriculture.
• Develops and manages the budget for the Plant Pest Management Restricted Account.
• Oversees, prepares, and submits grant applications to U.S. Department of Agriculture and other granting agencies to support division and bureau programs.
• Attends and addresses state, national, or international meetings of professional societies, trade groups, etc.
• Reviews all travel requests, expense accounts, and conference attendance for the division.
• Performs the full range of supervisory duties.
• The employee in this job may participate in the performance of subordinates’ work consistent with operational or organizational requirements.
• Performs related work as required.
• Knowledge of statutes, rules, and regulations pertaining to plant protection.
• Knowledge of plant protection activities, including survey/detection, biology, diagnostics/identification, apiculture, weed science, regulatory issues, and other specialized areas.
• Knowledge of laboratory and field techniques and equipment used in regulatory plant protection programs.
• Knowledge of the principles and practices of employee supervision.
• Ability to communicate effectively orally.
• Ability to communicate effectively in writing.
• Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: (NOTE: These are expected of an employee performing the work of this job at the full performance level. These may not be used for merit system evaluation or examination purposes and are not position-specific performance standards.):
• Knowledge of the PA Plant Pest Act and the PA Bee Law, or any laws that supersede them, as well as any related regulations.
• Knowledge of accounting principles involved with budget and grant tracking.
• Ability to effectively manage personnel and other division resources.
MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: (NOTE: Based on the Entry Level Knowledges, Skills, and Abilities):
• One year as an Entomology Program Manager or one year as a Plant Pathology Program Manager;
• Five years of professional regulatory experience in plant protection, which included one year of supervisory experience, and a bachelor's degree in one of the biological or agricultural sciences;
• An equivalent combination of experience and training, which included one year of supervision over regulatory plant protection staff.