Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
61045 05 ST B1 C 666-17 09/26/2006

09/26/2006 61045


DEFINITION: This is technical work in the field of fisheries biology.

An employee in this job performs technical duties using office, laboratory, field equipment, and sampling protocols to collect, identify, organize, and record fisheries data. Work includes performing biological and water quality sampling functions; conducting field surveys; maintaining and operating sampling equipment; collecting fisheries management and research data; formatting and inputting data; and preparing descriptive statistics. Work may also involve serving as a lead-worker over Wildlife Fisheries Biologist Aides. Work is distinguished from the Fisheries Biologist series by gathering and preparing data in support of management, research, hatchery or other fishery projects and does not involve the analysis of data or the application of theory, research and scientific methods to plan and execute the assignment. Employees perform work independently within established guidelines, procedures, project methods, and operational plans. Work is assigned by a professional supervisor in the form of general objectives and is reviewed upon completion for attainment of work results and quality of data.

EXAMPLES OF WORK PERFORMED: Collects data in support of investigations in water quality, fish pathology, hatchery operations, fisheries environments, or fisheries management.

Uses and maintains various sampling gear such as trap nets, electrofishers, and water quality sampling equipment.

Uses topographical maps, GPS instruments for locating and recording sample sites.

Collects, identifies, and processes field, office, and laboratory data for analysis by fisheries biologists.

Collects water quality and quantity data for evaluation by fisheries biologists relative to fishery interests.

Prepares descriptive statistics such as sample size, range, mean, standard deviation, variance, median, mode, and percentile distributions from data files.

Prepares tables, figures, maps and other graphics for inclusion in a scientific report as well as illustrations for public presentation on a fishery.

Identifies aquatic organisms.

Determines fish age and growth.

Quantifies physical environmental and ecosystems conditions.

Determines and conducts appropriate sampling protocol for a particular waterway.

Leads Wildlife Fisheries Biologist Aides in the collection of management or research data such as species, and age, weight, length, location, Ph levels, and in the preparation of gear.

Operates and maintains sampling equipment that includes small boats, fishing or field equipment in accomplishing primary tasks.

Performs related work as required.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: Knowledge of the fundamentals of fisheries biology.

Knowledge of the principles and practices of artificial propagation.

Knowledge of the techniques involved in developing stream and lake water quality and fishery studies.

Knowledge of the principles and practices used in developing statistics such as sample size, range, mean, standard deviation, variance, median, mode, and percentile distributions from data.

Ability to perform basic laboratory tests using microscopes, balances, water analysis equipment, etc.

Ability to communicate effectively orally.

Ability to communicate effectively in writing.

Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Three years of technical fisheries science experience;


Three years of college with 18 credits in biological sciences of which nine credits must be directly related to fish biology, fish ecology, fisheries management, ichthyology, fish culture, fish physiology, fish pathology, limnology, aquatic ecology, aquatic entomology or water quality;


An equivalent combination of experience and training.

NECESSARY SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Possession of a valid driver’s license.