Job Code Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Type Bargaining Unit Civil Service or Non-Civil Service Last Executive Board Change Executive Board Change History
71750 07 ST G1 C 750-13 07/03/2019


JOB CODE: 71750

SERIES NATURE OF WORK: The Aviation Specialist job series describes work in the inspection and provision of technical assistance to airports, aviation industry professionals, and the public regarding the planning and development of airport facilities, compliance with aviation regulations, and investigation and response to violations and complaints.

DEFINITION: This is specialized work inspecting and licensing airports/heliports operating in the Commonwealth and providing technical guidance to airport/heliport managers, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), municipal officials, and engineering firms for the Department of Transportation.

An employee in this job is responsible for inspecting airports and heliports for conformance with safety standards and legal compliance with state and federal regulations; and providing technical guidance to airport managers on the standards and regulations. Work includes reviewing and inspecting new airport/heliport development proposals and verifying that the layout, approaches, takeoff angles, relation of obstruction to takeoff, approach patterns, prevailing air currents, and terrain features are suitable for airport/heliport construction; gathering, analyzing, and disseminating information pertaining to sound aviation practices to ensure compliance with aviation safety standards; formulating corrective measures to non-conforming conditions, airport hazards, and/or dangerous aviation practices; and providing consultative support and technical guidance to assist airport managers in planning and developing airport improvements and construction projects. Work involves participating in the review and evaluation of grant applications as part of a grant review board and making recommendations for approval and prioritization; reviewing and evaluating notices of proposed construction to determine impact on protected navigable airspace and for consistency with land use compatibility guidelines; assessing topographical, atmospheric, and structural conditions which may contribute to law violations or hazardous conditions; and coordinating with the FAA in the review and development of instrument approach procedures and the collection and submission of airport data. Employees will have public contact to include participating in public hearings, investigating complaints, and promoting aviation. Inspection work is performed independently in the field and is reviewed by a supervisor for quality and quantity through review of reports and spot checks.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: (NOTE: The examples of work are representative of the work, but every position classified to this job may not perform all examples of work listed. Conversely, this is not an all-inclusive list of work examples.):

• Reviews application documentation of proposed sites for general aviation or private use airports/heliports.

• Inspects proposed sites for general aviation or private use airports/heliports for conformance to safety standards to ensure suitability for airport/heliport construction.

• Makes recommendation for issuance of new airport/heliport site approval.

• Inspects newly completed, operating, or renovated airports/heliports for adherence to site and operational requirements.

• Determines safety of approach and takeoff patterns.

• Conducts annual inspections of public-use airports/heliports and facilities, and periodically inspects private use airports/heliports.

• Prepares reports of inspection findings to include recommendations for withdrawal of airport/heliport licenses when warranted.

• Advises airport managers concerning improved safety practices and on airport improvements.

• Investigates complaints and violations of aviation rules and regulations.

• Recommends airport license suspension and corrective action in prepared reports.

• Serves as PennDOT Aviation Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.

• Reviews and evaluates Aviation Development Grant and State Block Grant applications and make recommendations for approval.

• Analyzes Local Real Estate Tax Reimbursement applications to establish the proper portion of land that is aviation related.

• Evaluates obstructions to determine if an object impedes on restricted airspace and makes a decision as to how a violation should be corrected.

• Assists airports and municipalities in the formulation of Airport Hazard Zoning.

• Assists public and private airports with planning and development to provide technical guidance for proposed projects.

• Provides comments on public and private airports' project work scope and priorities.

• Verifies individual proposed projects are in compliance with FAA and state safety guidelines.

• Participates in public hearings with local municipalities to obtain public comment concerning proposed airport development in accordance with aviation law.

• Attends public hearings concerning airport hazard zoning.

• Plans and coordinates the implementation of educational programs and projects for the promotion of aviation by developing slide and video programs, symposiums, workshops and seminars, brochures, and displays for events.

• Attends aviation conferences and reads aviation safety materials to acquire and impart knowledge of innovations and trends in airport/heliport and aviation safety.

• Performs related work as required.


• Knowledge of aviation safety laws, rules, and regulations.

• Knowledge of regulations governing aircraft safety or airport/heliport operations.

• Knowledge of the principles and practices of aviation safety.

• Knowledge of the design, construction, and operation of aircraft.

• Knowledge of zoning regulations.

• Ability to gather, compile, analyze, and interpret inspection and investigation data.

• Ability to read and interpret engineering and planning documents including drawings, specifications, contracts, design standards, maps, and survey notes.

• Ability to operate technology advanced equipment (digital transits, GPS receivers, and laser measuring devices).

• Ability to read and follow oral and written instructions.

• Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships.

• Ability to communicate effectively orally.

• Ability to communicate effectively in writing.

MINIMUM EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: (NOTE: Based on the Entry Level Knowledges, Skills, and Abilities):

• Possession of an active Accredited Airport Executive certificate issued by the American Association of Airport Executives;


• Four years of experience as a commercial pilot or flight instructor;


• An equivalent combination of experience and training.