Commonwealth of Pennsylvania


Position Number:  00122962

Description Activated On:  9/3/2024 8:20:23 AM

Position Purpose:
Describe the primary purpose of this position and how it contributes to the organization’s objectives. Example: Provides clerical and office support within the Division to ensure its operations are conducted efficiently and effectively. 

This position assists in planning, constructing, and maintaining natural-surfaced recreation trails and other related recreational infrastructure, primarily supporting the implementation of professionally developed recreational plans for the trail systems in the Rothrock Forest District. It operates varied equipment typically used to construct, repair, and maintain back country trails and related front country infrastructure with a gross vehicle weight of 26,001 pounds or more, including truck and trailer combinations where the GVW of the trailer is 10,000 lbs. or more. It also regularly maintains heavy equipment, power tools, and\or hand tools; assists with manual work when not operating assigned equipment; and acts as a lead worker when assigned. Position also assists with resource management.

Description of Duties:
Describe in detail the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position. Descriptions should include the major end result of the task. Example: Types correspondence, reports, and other various documents from handwritten drafts for review and signature of the supervisor.

This position reports to the Resource Assistant District Forester of Rothrock State Forest. It works heavily with the Resource Staff including Foresters and Forest Technicians. It periodically works with Recreation Program Specialists as needed. It will routinely work with other District Equipment Operators, Semi-Skilled Laborers, Forest Maintenance Supervisors, and Forest District Managers (staff).

STATE FOREST & RECREATIONAL MAINTENANCE REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION: Operates equipment having a gross vehicle weight of 26,001 pounds or more requiring a Class A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and truck and trailer combinations where the GVW of the trailer is 10,000 lbs. or more. Operates equipment and trucks such as graders, backhoes, bulldozers, rollers, tracked loaders, dump trucks w/ trailer and load, road tractors w/ trailer and load, trail dumpers, mini excavators, excavators, etc.

Appropriately selects and operates heavy equipment, power tools, and\or hand tools on projects.

Maintains heavy equipment, power tools, and\or hand tools on a daily basis, assists with manual work when not operating assigned equipment, and acts as a lead worker to other staff as needed and when assigned.

Assists the supervisor(s) in preparing, planning, organizing, and scheduling tasks.

Works to reestablish and maintain State Forest Boundary Lines, and other Bureau of Forestry trails and infrastructure.

Repairs, maintains, and installs parking lots, trailheads, directional and informational signage, vistas, boat launches, other access areas, pavilions, campsites, latrines, and other types of recreation related infrastructure.

Uses sketches, design specifications, and other guidance to create sustainable roads, trails, and other recreational infrastructure by operating heavy equipment, power tools, and\or hand tools which are selected by the operator based on project and user needs.

Inspects, repairs, maintains, installs, and disassembles district deer fence exclosures.

Updates supervisors on project status and advises Supervisor on additional manpower, equipment, and supplies needed for ongoing projects.


Appropriately selects and operates heavy equipment, power tools, and\or hand tools on projects.

Uses common construction specifications/trail management objectives (i.e., corridor height/width, tread width, cross/outslope, protrusions, obstacles, and compaction) and uses heavy equipment, power tools, and\or hand tools to improve existing trails or construct new trails, to meet specifications and trail management objectives.

Completes follow up maintenance on trails to meet desired specifications that conform with existing trail management objectives.

Applies principals of trail sustainability while improving or constructing projects. Uses terminology common to trail construction specifications.

Performs site visits with the supervisor(s) or other project leads to discuss the project purpose and needs.

Work with the supervisor(s), staff, and partners to assess proposed corridor(s).

Removes rocks, stumps, and debris from the identified trail corridor, and deposits debris outside of the trail corridor to allow for construction of new sustainable trails that provide users with an optimal experience.

Wears PPE when appropriate to the task and operates equipment in a safe manner.

After receiving appropriate chainsaw training, operates a chainsaw in non-complex felling and bucking operations.

Uses heavy equipment, chainsaws, other power tools and\or hand tools to remove small standing trees, hazard trees, fallen logs, brush, vegetation, rocks, or other impediments to trail tread, while maintaining the desired clearing width and clearing height that allows for safe use of the trail.

Uses pruning and brushing techniques to maximize safety, minimize visual impacts, and support healthy trailside vegetation (i.e. avoid damage to growth collar of pruned limbs, deposit clipped limbs cut side away from trail), during trail construction or improvement projects, and while performing preventative maintenance to keep trails, vistas, and areas around other recreational infrastructure open and free from brush or limbs.

Deposits debris outside of the trail corridor using low impact techniques that account for possible future impacts due to erosion and\or visual impacts. During corridor clearing, selects natural materials (or seeks supervisor guidance) to retain from those being cleared, and stages them for efficient reuse in the trail profile.

Use hand tools as necessary to construct a trail with a full bench, raised tread, and/or combination that meets the construction specifications, as identified by the supervisor(s), ensuring that the final construction maintains trail sustainability principles.

Constructs sustainable trails or trail segments that meet desired specifications and results in minimal off trail impacts. Maintains heavy equipment and performs field repairs.

Reshapes and compacts the trail tread to meet compaction specifications. Retires and compacts the backslope to stabilize it and prevent erosion. Maintains trail tread to its design specifications for tread width, cross/outslope, protrusions, and obstacles.

Improves, maintains or constructs a wide array of drainage features (i.e. grade reversals, berms, ditches, culverts, French mattress, underdrain, rolling dips, knicks, water bars, sheet flow, etc.) in trails and/or roads.

Constructs and/or installs water crossing structures (i.e. Boardwalk, puncheon, turnpike, ford, large culvert, bridge, bottomless arch culvert, Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge, etc.), while meeting the appropriate design specifications. Also maintains water crossing structures. During an installation, works to limit environmental impacts to wetlands/sensitive areas/saturated soils and abides by all permitting and any other regulatory requirements.

Constructs stone or wood retaining walls to specifications and maintains or repairs existing retaining walls.

During trail improvement, trail maintenance, or new trail construction projects, hardens trail surfaces using appropriate techniques given the slopes, soils, available material(s) (i.e., wood, rock, gravel), and intended use(s). This work may include advanced hardening techniques, such as turnpiking, rock culverts, boulder causeway, installation of pavers, and rock drains.

Gathers and places native materials over areas specified for trail decommissioning and closure, including soil aeration and other revegetation efforts that result in a natural appearance.

Applies appropriate trail standards/specifications and ensures operation of heavy equipment, power tools and\or hand tools results in a final trail that complies with the identified standards and specifications.

Incorporates sustainable trail principles in constructing, improving, and\or maintaining trails, considering local conditions (trail users, types/skill levels, soil type, localized weather trends, etc.).

Improves or maintains trails based on assessed conditions. Either installs the most appropriate feature to mitigate the identified cause of the trail degradation (i.e., water, grades, soil conditions, users, and/or use patterns), by choosing from a large range of appropriate actions to address the deficiencies, or installs a pre-determined feature as directed by the supervisor(s).

Operates independently or as part of the crew to mitigate trail deficiencies resulting in a higher quality and more sustainable trail with fewer maintenance needs long term.

Applies work experiences and operating skills when performing maintenance tasks to create the best sustainable trail specification or feature given the on-site conditions experienced.

Safely uses and maintains a full range of heavy equipment, Class A Vehicles, power tools, specialized trail tools and\or standard hand tools during trail improvement projects, trail construction projects, and during trail maintenance.

Applies sustainable trail principles to maintenance tasks.

May be assigned to blaze trails with paint, install Carsonite posts and other trail markers, and install directional, informational, interpretive, and\or regulatory signage on trails and at trailheads and\or parking areas

While serving as a lead worker, coordinates with other members of the district staff, other agency personnel and/or DCNR Conservation Volunteers to ensure each individual has been assigned general duties or specific tasks and the appropriate safety gear and operational equipment needed to perform their duty or task. Ensures that all parties are aware of the dangers of working near heavy equipment, power tools, and hand tools, and that PPE is utilized.

Operators will collaborate with other regional trail crew members, other agency/organization personnel and volunteers working on a project to ensure skills, knowledge, and behaviors meet agency/organization standards for high quality trail operations, the implementation of trail management goals, safe operations, and overall effectiveness, as directed by their supervisor(s).

While serving as lead worker, the Operator will convey information to other district staff assisting with the project that was passed on by the supervisor(s) in order to communicate inventory, regulations, and field practices related to resource preservation (e.g., plant and animal species common to the area, invasive species, and threatened resources) to avoid damage during trail projects, and/or maintenance. Upon receiving questions that the Operator cannot answer, they will refer the inquiry to their supervisor(s), or in their absence, a member of Central Office, program appropriate staff.

Behaves courteously and professionally, fostering teamwork, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Demonstrates the operation of heavy equipment and Class A CDL vehicles to those in a lower classification.

Knows how to operate equipment which may be used by those in a lower classification when serving as a project lead. Equipment includes, but is not limited to: 4WD trucks, dump trucks, trail dozers, forklift, skid steers, mini-excavators, snowmobiles, ATVs, fire pumps, chainsaws, lawnmowers, post hole drivers, pesticide application equipment and hand tools.

Performs minor mechanical repairs and preventative maintenance on heavy equipment, power tools, and hand tools.

Assists with improving and maintaining joint use roads and snowmobile trails, including improvements and new construction, and assists with removing snow from snowmobile parking areas.

Trains other equipment operators and staff on sustainable trail building and maintenance techniques.

Improves, maintains, and\or constructs other recreation related infrastructure such as gates, latrines, pavilions, picnic areas, vistas, memorials and monuments, trailheads, parking areas, hang gliding launches and landing zones, rock climbing sites, canoe and kayak launches, motorized boat launches, Department owned buildings, informational waysides and kiosks, interpretive trails, etc.

Operates Class A truck and trailers to obtain heavy equipment, materials, and supplies from Vendors or surrounding Forest Districts and transports the equipment and\or materials and supplies to headquarters or active project sites, as directed by the supervisor(s). This includes returning borrowed equipment to the issuing Forest District.

Maintains accurate records for all tools, equipment, and supplies, including maintenance and servicing schedules. Submits monthly automotive reports to supervisor for all assigned motorized vehicles and equipment.

Keeps informed on changes in Rules and Regulations, Guidelines, Policies, and changes in Procedures via the supervisor(s) or other agency communication methods.

Assists in painting and maintenance of gates, buildings, and other infrastructure, as directed by the supervisor(s).

Attends S130, S190, and other courses necessary to maintain status as PA Wildland Fire Fighter. Responds to Wildland Fires as needed when requested by the Chief Fire Warden or District Fire Wardens and as directed by supervisor(s)

Attends and participates in professional development trainings.

Assists in providing training to Bureau, Department, and partner staff and Conservation Volunteers engaged in work on District Trail projects and Resource related projects.

Assists in coordinating conservation volunteers on recreation and other resource related projects.

Assists with Search and Rescue and other emergencies, as requested and directed by the supervisor(s).

Maintains a neat, clean, and orderly work area, vehicle, and equipment.

Performs other duties as assigned by the supervisor(s).

Reports project progress to the supervisor(s). Reports on operational or logistical issues or the need for extensive repairs to heavy equipment and\or power tools.

Work is verbally reviewed on a continuing basis.

Decision Making:
Describe the types of decisions made by the incumbent of this position and the types of decisions referred to others. Identify the problems or issues that can be resolved at the level of this position, versus those that must be referred to the supervisor. Example: In response to a customer inquiry, this work involves researching the status of an activity and preparing a formal response for the supervisor’s signature.

Determines when heavy equipment, power tools, and hand tools are safe for use in making corrective actions and performing minor repairs.
Selects the most appropriate equipment and tools based on the project and local conditions.
Determines the best way to accomplish tasks after assessing the site for safety and other factors (i.e., spatial, geologic, hydrologic, natural obstructions, etc.).
Prioritizes and assigns tasks when acting as a lead worker.
Determines the most appropriate, most cost effective, and appropriate location for unplanned and unanticipated drainage features that are deemed necessary when acting as a lead worker.
Determines whether the site, local conditions, and equipment limitations will permit the operator to install optional features that increase sustainability and\or enhance the trail or other infrastructure for visitors with different experience levels, while conforming to existing standards and specifications for the identified user groups, trail management objectives, and any other applicable policies and guidelines.

Requirements Profile: Identify any specific experience or requirements, such as a licensure, registration, or certification, which may be necessary to perform the functions of the position. Position-specific requirements should be consistent with a Special Requirement or other criteria identified in the classification specification covering this position. Example: Experience using Java; Professional Engineer License


Licenses, registrations, or certifications:

  Class A Commercial Driver's License



Essential Functions
: Provide a list of essential functions for this position. Example: Transports boxes weighing up to 60 pounds.
 1. Negotiate uneven terrain on foot in remote forested areas.
 2. Maintain a Class A CDL.
 3. Operate heavy equipment (i.e., mini-excavators, trail dumpers, dozers, graders, rollers, etc.) in varying terrain and Class A vehicles safely.
 4. Clearly communicates verbally and in writing.
 5. Uses, maintains, and repairs power & hand tools, heavy equipment, Class A vehicles, including pre-trip safety check & preventative maintenance.
 6. Interpret maps, plans, & specs in order to improve, maintain, & construct recreational infrastructure utilizing heavy equipment, power and hand tools.
 7. Travel as needed for work assignments.
 8. Work in adverse weather conditions and for extended periods of time without modern comfort facilities.
 9. Implement verbal and written instructions regarding work assignments and serve as a lead worker when assigned.
 10. Learn basic wildland fire suppression measures & basic wildland fire behavior, & engage in wildfire suppression, using heavy equipment or hand tools.