Commonwealth of Pennsylvania


Position Number:  00128072

Description Activated On:  2/10/2025 10:32:37 AM

Position Purpose:
Describe the primary purpose of this position and how it contributes to the organization’s objectives. Example: Provides clerical and office support within the Division to ensure its operations are conducted efficiently and effectively. 

Work involves the performing of inspections, surveys, and investigations pertaining to the regulation of persons, establishment, and municipalities that discharge or have the potential of discharging pollutants to the waters of the Commonwealth. These will be primarily both agricultural with Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits and all other agricultural operations as assigned by the Supervisor in a geographical area.

This position will focus on NRCS targeted watersheds, in watersheds in the highest incidence of agricultural operations out of compliance, or in areas that have been identified as a source of excessive nutrient/sediment loading. Target areas or target practices identified by COAST and SPARROW will also be a focus for these inspection activities.

This position will support increased compliance activities under Chapter 102 Erosion & Sediment Control regulations, Chapter 91.36 relating to manure management, and local storm water complaints. This position will also conduct inspections of non-CAFO agricultural operations for compliance with agricultural planning requirements found in the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law and the regulations promulgated thereunder within an assigned geographical area.

If the position is filled as an Environmental Trainee, the incumbent will participate in a one-year formal and on-the-job training program to learn the duties of a Water Quality Specialist. If the position is filled as a Water Quality Specialist, the incumbent will perform a variety of duties within an assigned geographical area of the Commonwealth involving the regulation of the facilities to ensure compliance with the Commonwealth's Rules and Regulations, permits and environmental laws.

Description of Duties:
Describe in detail the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position. Descriptions should include the major end result of the task. Example: Types correspondence, reports, and other various documents from handwritten drafts for review and signature of the supervisor.

The employee will perform a variety of duties within an assigned geographical area of the Commonwealth involving the regulation of the facilities to ensure compliance with the Commonwealth's Rules and Regulations, permits and environmental laws.

Conduct reviews and inspections necessary to ensure compliance with Department issued CAFO permits, other permits and agricultural planning requirements on non-CAFO operations within an assigned work area. Must be familiar with permitting criteria and all associated state and federal regulations.

A. Conduct office reviews of correspondence and permit files for:

1. Permit standards and special conditions.
2. Flow diagrams, blueprints, and type of treatment units and their capabilities.
3. Case history of past performance.
4. Nutrient Management Plans, Manure Management Plans, and Agricultural Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans.
5. Compliance with CAFO Annual and Quarterly Self-Inspection reporting requirements.

B. Conduct field reviews of CAFO NPDES permitted facilities and non-CAFO agricultural operations including: routine inspections, compliance evaluation inspections, and joint program and multi-media inspections. The scope of such visits should include the handling, treatment, and the storage of manure and/or other on farm wastewater to ensure compliance with NPDES and Part II (WQM) permit conditions, the Clean Streams Law and other regulations.
1. Determine if permit administrative requirements are fulfilled.
a. Check for proper paperwork and records retention. Documents to be reviewed should include: nutrient management plan; manure management plan; agricultural erosion and sedimentation control plan; Preparedness, Prevention, and Contingency Plan; and self-inspection reporting forms.
b. Verify completion and submission (as necessary) of required self-inspection report forms.
c. Verify timely implementation of any special conditions/best management practices (BMPs) that are required by the permit or plan.
2. Inspect manure storage facilities, including any leak detection and/or subsurface drainage facilities.
3. Inspect mortality composting, food storage, and other raw materials storage facilities to determine if they are performing their designed function and not creating an actual or potential pollution hazard.
4. Inspect Animal Concentration Areas (ACAs) to determine if they are creating an actual or potential pollution hazard or resulting in an environmental impact.
5. Note any deficiencies in crop field practices or inconsistencies with the Agricultural Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan that have the potential to or may be resulting in an environmental impact.
6. Make maintenance or operating recommendations.
7. Advise of alternate handling, stoppage, containment, or clean-up methods when manure or other polluting substance spills, overflows, or discharges occur.
8. Discuss safety aspects involved in the operation of facilities in terms of equipment and procedures.
9. Inspect receiving streams for effects from the agricultural operation.
a. Physical observations: appearance and color.
b. Cursory biological observations: benthic organisms and quality of aquatic life for possible referral to Regional Aquatic Biologist for a complete survey.
c. Sample upstream and downstream from any discharge for chemical analyses and field analyses when necessary.
10. Complete Inspection Reports, Sample Information System Submission sheets, Bacteriological Analyses forms, CAFO Inspection forms and other forms as necessary.
11. Use applicable Standard Operating Procedures for inspections of permitted facilities, non-permitted facilities and investigations of problems.

C. Conduct inspections of other permitted facilities or targeted activities when assigned.
D. Cite establishments for violations noted during office reviews or observed during field inspections based on permit conditions, The Clean Streams Law, and the Department Rules and Regulations.

Schedule and investigate citizens' complaints of existing or potential water quality problems as assigned by supervisor. As specific cases warrant, coordinate complaint investigations with cooperating agencies such as County Conservation Districts, the State Conservation Commission, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, and other applicable local, state and federal agencies. Contact parties involved and notify them of results.

A. Illegal discharges: dispense information concerning permit procedures, laws, or rules and regulations. Investigate nearby farms for possible sources of contamination.

B. Manure and wastewater handling by agricultural operations.
1. Manure storage facilities.
a. Determine dimensions.
b. Determine type of liner and its integrity.
c. Minimum freeboard requirements.
d. Determine compliance with PA Technical Guidance Standards.
2. Determine if milking parlor wash water, silage leachate, and other agricultural process wastewater is disposed of properly.
3. Determine method of manure application.
a. Check for discharges to surface waters. Determine effect on receiving stream through visual observations, a check of fish and benthic organisms, field chemical analysis of water samples, and collection of representative samples for laboratory analyses.
b. Proximity to wells and sinkholes.
c. Method and rate of application.
4. Determine if storage, handling and disposal is as recommended in the Manure Management Manual or Nutrient Management Plan.
5. Refer farmer to the County Conservation District or other qualified Technical Service Providers (TSP) and consultants to assist in abatement of potential or existing pollution problems.
6. Follow up complaints investigated by Pennsylvania Farm Bureau as necessary.
7. Cite farming operations for violations noted during field inspections based on the Clean Streams Law, and the Department Rules and Regulations.

C. Agricultural erosion and sedimentation control problems.
1. Assess potential and actual pollution from agricultural activities regulated under Chapter 102, including crop production fields, Animal Heavy Use Areas, and Animal Concentration Areas (ACAs).
2. Verify that the written plans required by Chapter 102 have been both developed and implemented.
3. Refer farmer to the County Conservation District or other qualified Technical Service Providers (TSP) and consultants to assist in abatement of potential or existing pollution problems.
4. Cite farming operations for violations noted during field inspections based on the Clean Streams Law, and the Department Rules and Regulations.

D. On a limited as-needed basis, emergency investigations (such as pollution incidents and fish kills) during off-duty hours, within or outside normal work area.
1. Determine cause and responsible party.
2. Provide recommendation for the stoppage, containment, and/or cleanup of spills or discharges.
3. Determine effect on receiving stream through visual observations, a check of fish and benthic organisms, field chemical analysis of water samples, and collection of representative samples for laboratory analyses.
4. Cite responsible parties for violations of The Clean Streams Law and inform them of legal liabilities.

Perform office work generated by field work.

A. Review inspection forms, chemical and bacteriological sampling reports, and accompanying information.

B. Input necessary data into Departmental computer-based tracking systems to document and accurately reflect the results of conducted inspections and investigations.

C. Participate in meetings with public, municipal, and corporate officials; facility operators; county, state, and federal resource agencies, consultants and engineers, during which problems are discussed and a plan of action recommended.

D. Prioritize cases in work area and concentrate efforts in order of priorities as approved by supervisor.

E. Cite violations where determined. Make recommendations to the Compliance Specialist, the supervisor or program management concerning violations, by using enforcement referral procedures.

F. Draft letters to responsible parties concerning facility operational violations, violations of The Clean Streams Law or Rules and Regulations, and potential discharge violations.

G. Review draft Consent Assessments prepared by the compliance specialist or other applicable program staff.

H. Complete and serve Field Orders on violators upon approval of supervisor.

I. Prepare technical reports -- Describe in detail agricultural pollution incidents.
1. Where, when, and how it happened.
2. Responsible party.
3. Resulting damage.
4. Action taken.
5. Final disposition of the case.

J. Prepare biweekly time sheets to accurately reflect time spent in various program activities.

K. Prepare monthly report of maintenance activity of automotive equipment and monthly travel expense voucher.


A. Operate and maintain assigned equipment.
1. State vehicles to travel to various field sites.
2. Cellular communications equipment.
3. Water quality testing equipment such as Dissolved Oxygen and pH meters. Keep calibration logs and apply quality assurance techniques to field test equipment.
4. Field equipment such as camera, GPS unit, range finder, binoculars, and any other assigned gear.

B. Know and adhere to the Department’s Biosecurity Protocols at agricultural operations to prevent the spread of livestock diseases and parasites.

C. Attend training courses in related scientific and engineering specialties to improve technical competence.

D. Conduct joint inspections of NPDES permittees with EPA representatives.

E. Assist Community Relations personnel to formulate press releases.

F. Attend seminars or public meetings to clarify Department positions, commitments or policies, and promote a good and accurate image.

G. Be familiar with Right-to-Know Act disclosures for the workplace.

H. This position, Waterways and Wetlands Program - Water Quality Specialist, is considered essential under certain conditions and will be considered an "essential employee" and be required to report to work or continue to work under the following circumstances when an office closing is announced: in case of natural disaster, fire, or related hazard, if DEP's response to the situation involves the Waterways and Wetlands Program. The essential business you perform is monitoring, responding to overseeing Program response to the situation, informing other decision-makers about Program activities, and, as appropriate, issuing Field Orders and/or emergency authorizations.

I. Promotes the Department's mission.

J. Inputs appropriate data in a prescribed format to meet data quality standards set forth by guidance, training, and policy across all of DEP’s electronic data systems; to include ensuring accuracy and completeness of entries, and where available, the use of system specific tools to ensure duplicative entries and data quality issues are minimized.

This position description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by the employee occupying this position. Employees will be required to follow any other job-related instructions and to perform any other job-related duties requested by their supervisor.

Decision Making:
Describe the types of decisions made by the incumbent of this position and the types of decisions referred to others. Identify the problems or issues that can be resolved at the level of this position, versus those that must be referred to the supervisor. Example: In response to a customer inquiry, this work involves researching the status of an activity and preparing a formal response for the supervisor’s signature.

Work is assigned in a specific geographic area, designed to create equal case loads. Instructions are given to help define the objectives of specific projects and to help define priorities. Inspection reports and complaint investigations are reviewed. Joint inspections with supervisor are conducted to evaluate performance with respect to accuracy, timeliness, completeness, safety, and action taken. Field quality assurance is audited by supervisor.

The trainee level requires direct supervision by the supervisor for a period of 12 months, not to exceed 24 months. Employee performance is reviewed under the Commonwealth’s EPR system, with a review occurring at least semi-annually.

Requirements Profile: Identify any specific experience or requirements, such as a licensure, registration, or certification, which may be necessary to perform the functions of the position. Position-specific requirements should be consistent with a Special Requirement or other criteria identified in the classification specification covering this position. Example: Experience using Java; Professional Engineer License


Licenses, registrations, or certifications:

  Class C Driver's License

Essential Functions
: Provide a list of essential functions for this position. Example: Transports boxes weighing up to 60 pounds.
 1. Operate a computer
 2. Legally operate a motor vehicle
 3. Understand & apply policies & procedures
 4. Negotiate uneven & rough terrain
 5. Read & interpret plans, maps, and reports
 6. Visually conduct inspections
 7. Communicate effectively orally & in writing
 8. Use safety protective clothing & gear
 9. Calibrate, operate & evaluate various meter
 10. Travel & stay overnight