Commonwealth of Pennsylvania


Position Number:  00199318

Description Activated On:  2/19/2025 9:44:31 AM

Position Purpose:
Describe the primary purpose of this position and how it contributes to the organization’s objectives. Example: Provides clerical and office support within the Division to ensure its operations are conducted efficiently and effectively. 

This position will be a trainee position for the preparation of reports and the review/analysis of fiscal information related to the general accounting and monitoring of the budget and oversee preparation of financial statements and varied reports to control and account for IGWF funds. Control IGWF budget allotments, research and prepare response to inmate grievances. General Fund Accounts Payable, and Fixed Assets for SCI Greene in accordance with all applicable DOC regulations and policies.

Description of Duties:
Describe in detail the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position. Descriptions should include the major end result of the task. Example: Types correspondence, reports, and other various documents from handwritten drafts for review and signature of the supervisor.

Description of Duties: Describe in detail the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position. Descriptions should include the major end result of the task. Example: Types correspondence, reports, and other various documents from handwritten drafts for review and signature of the supervisor.

Participates in formal training sessions and on-the-job work experiences to become familiarized in the following areas:

1. Oversight/maintenance of fiscal data from various funds used to measure, project, control, and communicate personnel, operating, overtime, non-recurring maintenance, and fixed asset budget expenditures. Learns how to control budget allotments for IGWF.

2. Monthly/annual/year-to-date budget projections by monitoring commitments and expenditures and preparing monthly/annual/year-to-date budget report projections for General Fund personnel, overtime, fixed assets, and non-recurring maintenance cost submissions for review by appropriate higher level fiscal personnel. Prepares various other specialized accounting and fiscal reports as required. Training for preparation of financial statements and varied report to control and account for IGWF funds. Investigates discrepancies in data submitted by facility shops and on reports submitted.

3. Invoice processing for payment from the SCI Greene advancement account, which includes verifying requisitions, receiving reports and invoices, and preparing and mailing of checks. Ensures that all invoices are paid as per all applicable Comptroller and DOC guidelines and policies.

4. Journal entry processes to adjust/correct account codes or transfer funds accordingly, which includes utilizing accounting software to complete FV50, FB50, and Bex Browser transactions.
5. Oversight and maintenance of fixed asset records and the annual fixed asset inventory. Authorizes adjustments to the fixed asset inventory according to established policy.

Prepares refund expenditure documents and reviews accounting reports to verify expenditures are refunded to appropriate accounts.

Reviews blocked invoices and works directly with vendors and other departments within the institution to resolve invoice and/or receiving issues.

Receives account statements and reconciles all bank accounts used by SCI Greene monthly.

Attends departmental meetings, job related seminars, and training sessions to maintain work efficiency, streamline operations, and improve personal and staff skills.

Advises employees required to travel for the institution of policies and regulations that must be followed for their travel expenses to be paid.

Performs other duties as assigned by supervisor.

1. Effectively communicate verbally and in writing.
2. Perform fiscal operations.
3. Review, analyze, and interpret information.
4. Establish and maintain effective working relationships.
5. Operate basic office equipment.
6. Maintain regular and reliable attendance.
7. Attend and participate in all mandatory training and/or testing.
8. Work overtime as required.
9. Travel as required.
10. Be mobile over all types of physical surfaces and levels.
11. Be visually observant of environment.
12. Hear and identify sounds.

Decision Making:
Describe the types of decisions made by the incumbent of this position and the types of decisions referred to others. Identify the problems or issues that can be resolved at the level of this position, versus those that must be referred to the supervisor. Example: In response to a customer inquiry, this work involves researching the status of an activity and preparing a formal response for the supervisor’s signature.

Selects & applies appropriate generally accepted accounting principles to various departmental financial transactions.
Applies DOC policies in daily operations, with interpretation guidance from Business Manager when needed.
Formulates solutions to various operational problems.

Requirements Profile: Identify any specific experience or requirements, such as a licensure, registration, or certification, which may be necessary to perform the functions of the position. Position-specific requirements should be consistent with a Special Requirement or other criteria identified in the classification specification covering this position. Example: Experience using Java; Professional Engineer License


Licenses, registrations, or certifications:




Essential Functions
: Provide a list of essential functions for this position. Example: Transports boxes weighing up to 60 pounds.
 1. See above
 2. See above
 3. See above