Commonwealth of Pennsylvania


Position Number:  50698626

Description Activated On:  12/11/2024 3:01:03 PM

Position Purpose:
Describe the primary purpose of this position and how it contributes to the organization’s objectives. Example: Provides clerical and office support within the Division to ensure its operations are conducted efficiently and effectively. 

This is a key management senior staff level policy-making and advisory position in the Air Resources Management Division of the Bureau of Air Quality, PA Department of Environmental Protection. The Environmental Program Manager (EPM) in this position serves as the Chief of the Division of Air Resource Management and is responsible for the overall management and coordination of the Bureau of Air Quality’s air program planning activities including development of regulations, guidance documents, reports, revisions to the State Implementation Plan and development of voluntary and mandatory control strategies for mobile and stationary sources including the implementation of diesel reduction, clean vehicle and emission trading programs.

Description of Duties:
Describe in detail the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position. Descriptions should include the major end result of the task. Example: Types correspondence, reports, and other various documents from handwritten drafts for review and signature of the supervisor.

Manages and coordinates the planning, development and review of air quality regulations and related policies by:
a. supervising a technical staff that coordinates development of regulations and policies in consultation with other affected divisions of the Bureau.
b. coordinating with Bureau and Department management and the Office of Chief Counsel to ensure consistency and compliance with the policy and procedures described in applicable statute (such as the Regulatory Review Act) and with Department policy and guidance.
c. coordinating with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency to ensure that regulations to be adopted as revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) are consistent with federal requirements and that planning commitments under the federal grant are met expeditiously.

Manages the Bureau’s overall planning, regulatory and other efforts to achieve and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards established by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Coordinates both internally and externally with other divisions, programs and agencies to ensure conformity in planning and regulatory efforts.

Promotes the Departments mission.

Decision Making:
Describe the types of decisions made by the incumbent of this position and the types of decisions referred to others. Identify the problems or issues that can be resolved at the level of this position, versus those that must be referred to the supervisor. Example: In response to a customer inquiry, this work involves researching the status of an activity and preparing a formal response for the supervisor’s signature.

The EPM receives work assignments from the Bureau Director. Projects are assigned with broad, general instructions and assigned to subordinates, as appropriate, to implement the federal Clean Air Act, PA Air Pollution Control Act and programs and regulations adopted under the acts.

Certain projects are initiated and carried out independently. The employee in this position proceeds independently, formulating plans of work for subordinates as to successfully complete projects on a timely basis. The work is reviewed in order to determine whether the assigned tasks and program requirements are fulfilled.

Decisions that impact other Divisions with the Bureau, other Bureaus or regional offices within the Department, federal, state and local agencies require the Bureau Director’s concurrence

Requirements Profile: Identify any specific experience or requirements, such as a licensure, registration, or certification, which may be necessary to perform the functions of the position. Position-specific requirements should be consistent with a Special Requirement or other criteria identified in the classification specification covering this position. Example: Experience using Java; Professional Engineer License


Licenses, registrations, or certifications:


Essential Functions
: Provide a list of essential functions for this position. Example: Transports boxes weighing up to 60 pounds.
 1. Communicate effectively orally and in writing.
 2. Apply management and supervisory skills.
 3. Analyze and organize information.
 4. Operate computer systems.
 5. Travel as needed.