Commonwealth of Pennsylvania


Position Number:  50698637

Description Activated On:  1/14/2025 2:37:22 PM

Position Purpose:
Describe the primary purpose of this position and how it contributes to the organization’s objectives. Example: Provides clerical and office support within the Division to ensure its operations are conducted efficiently and effectively. 

This is a highly professional management position designed for administrative and supervisory duties related to the clinical services provided for the adjudicated youth committed to a Bureau of Juvenile Justice Services (BJJS) Youth Development Center/Youth Forestry Camp (YDC/YFC). This position will provide oversight and direction of the clinical services for the habilitation/rehabilitation and social development for court committed, adjudicated delinquent youth.

The responsibility of this position includes, but is not limited to: reviewing, analyzing, evaluating and continuously developing the overall clinical treatment programs within the programs as outlined above, as well as adhering to institutional (BJJS) and Department of Human Services (DHS) policies and procedures. This position will oversee/supervise employees in both a supervisory and non-supervisory capacity. This position will directly supervise: Psychological Services Specialist, DHS, Drug & Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2, and Social Worker 2. This position will be supervised by a Licensed Psychologist Director.

Description of Duties:
Describe in detail the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position. Descriptions should include the major end result of the task. Example: Types correspondence, reports, and other various documents from handwritten drafts for review and signature of the supervisor.

1. In close communication with the Licensed Psychologist Director (LPD), the employee in this position is responsible for providing direction to Youth Development Counselor Managers, Youth Development Counselor Supervisors, Youth Development Counselors and direct care staff members regarding clinical intervention and treatment-related issues.

2. The employee in this position will provide direction in treatment areas such as: modalities, theories, confidentiality regulations, multidisciplinary, treatment planning, documentation practices, performance-based treatment, aftercare planning, substance abuse, mental health treatment, intellectual and developmental disabilities and trauma informed care.

3. The employee in this position will assist in developing, implementing and evaluating best practice guidelines and minimum standards. The incumbent will represent their assigned facility at meetings with other state agencies, courts, community-based organizations and various other human service agencies.

4. The employee in this position will adhere to all BJJS policies and procedures, while assisting their facility with the overall development, direction and monitoring of clinical intervention and treatment services provided. The employee in this position is responsible for regularly providing each Program Director and Manager at their assigned location with information regarding the status and development of each program’s clinical and treatment services.

5. The employee will lead both youth treatment meetings and clinical staffing meetings with the identified multidisciplinary treatment team. This employee will develop a signified structure to lead individual, group and family counseling sessions to their subordinates.

6. Coordinate, oversee and direct the further development of any specialized programming and treatment services at assigned facility that are implemented through the Bureau of Juvenile Justice, State and/or a national initiatives of services.

7. Reviews, evaluates and reports on psychological services qualitative data. This individual will also complete necessary assessments upon an adjudicate youth’s arrival to facility.
8. Consults with psychiatrists, physicians and other professional staff, concerning diagnostic evaluation and therapeutic treatment programs.
9. Establishes the clinical competencies and privileges of psychologists and recommends it to executive staff or other appropriate accrediting authority.
10. Conducts and participates in diagnostic and evaluative staff meetings to discuss diagnosis, etiology, treatment and disposition of individuals.
11. Performs individual, group or family counseling or therapy or other therapeutic procedures.
12. Formulates short and long-term psychological treatment objectives for individuals.
13. Directs and instructs professional and nonprofessional personnel in the theories, practices and techniques employed in a psychological services program.
14. Reviews professional practices of staff to assure compliance with applicable statutes, professional standards and ethical guidelines.
15. Reviews staff's application of psychological measures to assure validity and reliability of instruments.
16. Develops, conducts or arranges for technical psychological program services training and staff development programs.
17. Plans, organizes and directs program evaluations or research projects of a psychological services program.
18. Testifies as an expert witness in legal proceedings regarding individuals receiving treatment.
19. Employees in this class may participate in the performance of their subordinates' work consistent with operational or organizational requirements. The employee in this position will maintain supervision of the Drug and Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2, Social Worker 2, as well as the Psychological Services Specialist– Department of Human Services (PSS-DHS) personnel. This employee will be responsible of managing overtime pertaining to the employees he/she directly and/or indirectly supervise (i.e. DATS2, SW2 and PSS personnel).
20. An employee in this position will serve as a child abuse investigator. Investigates all allegations of suspected abuse in compliance with DHS policy, as well as, investigates issues associated with programmatic Inefficiencies or issues designated by the Director. Maintains confidentiality throughout investigation and any ensuing disciplinary actions.
21. In conjunction with the Training Department, this employs will assist their program with technical assistance, training and consultative services regarding clinical and treatment-related services to their program. The incumbent must also attend and participate in staff meetings, supervisory conferences and employee training programs, including but not limited to Crisis Intervention/Suicide Prevention, Safe Crisis Management, CPR/First Aid, Cultural Diversity and Certificate Programs relating to: general counseling, substance abuse, mental health and/or developmental disabilities, in order to develop and maintain position skills.
22. An employee in this position will review youths Initial Treatment Plans. This employee will attend Master Case Planning Conferences (MCPC) for all youth within their assigned facility and lead the meetings. Once this employee has reviewed the Initial Treatment Plan, he/she will direct the assigned PSS-DHS and Counselor to further assist the therapeutic relationship and treatment pertaining to that youth as deemed necessary. Besides being involved in this process, the person in this position will monitor the overall Master Case Planning System for completeness and compliance with DHS, BJJS and facility policies and program standards.

23. This employee will attend multidisciplinary treatment team meetings and lead these meetings. This employee will also be responsible to attend program team meetings on a monthly basis and provide necessary guidance and updates on youth who are assigned to said dorm.

24. Direct the development and implementation of policies and procedures related to clinical interventions and treatment services that are aligned with DHS, BJJS and assigned facility Policies and Procedures.

25. Coordinate and monitor the provision of sub-contracted clinical and treatment-related services.

26. Conduct and document Supervisory Conferences at least once per month (more often if needed). If need be, this employee will conduct disciplinary case conferences. This person will also ensure that all subordinates are meeting assigned/established expectations. Additionally, ensure that subordinates in supervisory positions follow the same expectation.

27. Upon admission, each youth must be assessed by an experienced evaluator capable of engaging a youth in a comprehensive clinical and cognitive assessment.

28. Prepare, submit and compile incident reports through the Juvenile Justice Automated Case System (JJACS). Insure resident information in JJACS is updated as needed.

29. Ensure that facility staff understand the importance of and utilize the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) and identify and demonstrate understanding of the eight domains of the YLS/CMI and their relationship to recidivism in order to effectively create an individualized treatment plan (MCPS) which best serves each resident.

30. Ensure that identified criminogenic risks/needs (via the YLS) are addressed via services which include; providing appropriate treatment/clinical interventions; engaging families throughout the treatment process; incorporating components of an effective case plan (MCPS); and using a SMART process in developing goals and objectives. Ensure that counseling staff are aware of best-practice standards and available evidence-based curriculums when identifying and providing services in each program area.

31. The employee in this position will coach and direct the PSS-DHS to meet with each youth at least once weekly for individual therapy specifically addressing trauma symptoms. The youth will also have once weekly individual practice addressing their delays in executive function, processing and comprehension.

32. Utilize The Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol or “SPEP” as a resource/guide to ensure that program services and interventions are effective in reducing the recidivism of juvenile offenders and assist each program in planning and preparing for SPEP evaluations.

33. Utilize the Juvenile Justice System Enhancement Strategy (JJSES) as a foundation in order to ensure that the concepts of Delinquency Prevention, Diversion, Family Involvement, Data Driven Decision-Making, Training/Technical Assistance and Continuous Quality Improvement are fully understood and incorporated into the all services provide through the Counseling Center and each program at ASSIGNED FACILITY.

34. The employee in this position will function as the Performance Based Standards (PbS) Coordinator, as described and outlined below:

a. The Performance based Standards (PbS) coordinator will be responsible to ensure that the procedures and standards as established by PbS are implemented and maintained at all ASSIGNED FACILITY Programs The employee will ensure the fidelity of these processes so that ASSIGNED FACILITY continues to maintain and work toward Best Practice Standards as it relates to the treatment of juveniles who are entrusted to our care.

b. This employee will have a thorough understanding of the processes and procedures through the use of PbS trainings and conferences for data collection, as well as how to interpret this data, while ensuring that all staff members at ASSIGNED FACILITY understand the purpose of PbS and support the associated mission.

c. This employee will ensure definitional and reporting compliance of incidents as it relates to PbS are accurate through the use of log books and JJACS reports. This person will ensure log books and JJACS reports are correctly documenting incidents and complete random audits of log books and JJACS reports.

d. This employee will complete IRDCCR forms as needed.

e. This employee will ensure that staff and resident surveys are completed according to established protocol.

f. This employee will ensure that all information that is reported on the youth record form is correctly documented in the resident files, to include audits of each discharged resident to ensure accuracy. This employee will ensure that all information that is entered during PbS data collection is accurate.

g. This employee will assist the Program Managers in ensuring that Facility Improvement Plans (FIP’s) are developed and provide coordination of FIP’s to ensure timely implementation of Progress Notes and Ongoing Reviews.

35. The employee in this position will function as the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Compliance Manager and will coordinate the facility’s (assigned facility) efforts to comply with the PREA Juvenile Facility Standards. Additionally, the PREA Compliance Manager will:
a. The employee in this position will assist the Program Managers in developing, implementing, and documenting a plan for staffing to ensure compliance with the PREA Standard 115.313 to provide for mandated levels of staffing.

b. The employee in this position will develop and maintain a local policy outlining how the assigned facility will document any deviations from the plan for staffing. The employee in this position will maintain this documentation and ensure it is retained in the BJJS PREA Audit shared folder.

c. The employee in this position will schedule and conduct an annual (or more frequently, as necessary) review of the assigned facility using the Facility Operations Vulnerability Assessment for each respective program at the assigned facility, with, at a minimum, the PREA Coordinator, the Facility Program Director and the Maintenance Manager 3 or designee.

d. The employee in this position will ensure that a management level employee conducts unannounced rounds, at a minimum of twice each month, (one during waking (active) shift and one during a sleeping (overnight) shift at each facility, to identify and deter staff sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment. The facility PREA Compliance Manager will ensure that these rounds are documented using the Unannounced Rounds Tracking Form and this documentation is to be maintained in the PREA shared folder.

e. The employee in this position will ensure that administrative, child abuse, and/or criminal investigations are completed for all allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment in accordance with BJJS Policies: 1.06 Reporting and Investigation of Alleged Child/Resident Abuse, 1.09B Management of Investigations, and 1.17 Responding to Reports of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment.

f. The employee in this position will ensure that all volunteers, to include interns, have been trained on their responsibilities with respect to the prevention, detection and response to sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment.

g. The employee in this position will ensure that all contracted employees and contracted entities have received and understand their responsibility with respect to prevention, detection and response to sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment.

36. Responds to programmatic issues/crisis' in a manner that is in coordination with clinically sound discretion and a managerial philosophy.
37. Adhere to all federal, state and agency regulations, policies and procedures governing confidentiality.
38. Report employee infractions, follow-up on disciplinary problems and incident investigations, conduct pre-disciplinary conferences, recommend appropriate action and administer any discipline, as directed by the Human Resources Office.
39. Document, complete and/or approve/disapprove employee-related paperwork including but not limited to requests for leave and overtime, work-related injury reports and required policy sign-off sheets in accordance with policy.
40. Manage and control overtime by scheduling employees in a manner that effectively utilizes the workforce by moving employees to fill shift vacancies and scheduling employees in order to maintain a fiscally sound program. Ensure accuracy of payroll documentation prior to submission to centralized timekeeper.
41. Maintain order and discipline by intervening with residents through active supervision, responding to emergencies and employing the least restrictive intervention technique in order to prevent escapes, control inappropriate behavior and maintain a safe and secure environment.
42. Provide instruction and guidance to residents in developing (1) proper and acceptable behavior and (2) competencies in their daily activities to include housekeeping duties, work training programs and study habits.
43. Provide guidance in social and emotional growth by role modeling pro-social values and ideals in order to provide insight into more responsible behaviors to elicit a genuine desire to change.
44. Escort and supervise residents to and from various activities, clinics, appointments and visits on and off-grounds.
45. Search residents and any and all areas for contraband.
46. Attend and participate in staff meetings, supervisory conferences and employee training programs, including but not limited to Transition to Supervision, Clinical Supervision, Crisis Intervention/Suicide Prevention, Safe Crisis Management, CPR/First Aid and Cultural Diversity in order to develop and maintain position skills.
47. Work overtime as required by operational necessities and emergencies. Must be able to work mandatory overtime in compliance with overtime provisions of the collective bargaining agreement, with little or no advance notice, whether on or off duty at the time of notification.
48. Ensure timely submission of paperwork and necessary reports. Proofread and ensure quality of subordinates' paperwork before forwarding to Clerical for formatting.
49. Ensure regular, timely and documented communication with residents' families, probation departments and other involved parties.
50. As a mandated reported, ensure all allegations and suspicion of child abuse are reported to Childline. Act as liaison with County Children and Youth and local HR to see each child abuse investigation through to final determination.
51. Performs other duties as required.

Decision Making:
Describe the types of decisions made by the incumbent of this position and the types of decisions referred to others. Identify the problems or issues that can be resolved at the level of this position, versus those that must be referred to the supervisor. Example: In response to a customer inquiry, this work involves researching the status of an activity and preparing a formal response for the supervisor’s signature.

Determine the need for therapeutic and clinical services needed for each program at ASSIGNED FACILITY.

Determine the performance ratings on employee performance reviews (EPR's).

In response to a resident’s progress in his/her treatment plan, assisting in the Multidisciplinary Team Meetings and providing sound clinical input to assist the treatment team and the youth.

Determine when it is appropriate to alter an employee’s schedule to accommodate operational/therapeutic needs.

Determine the need and level of intervention in emergencies and crisis situations.

In response to emergency situations, determine appropriate action.

After conducting investigations of alleged abuse or employee misconduct, makes a determination as to whether disciplinary action should occur.

Requirements Profile: Identify any specific experience or requirements, such as a licensure, registration, or certification, which may be necessary to perform the functions of the position. Position-specific requirements should be consistent with a Special Requirement or other criteria identified in the classification specification covering this position. Example: Experience using Java; Professional Engineer License


Licenses, registrations, or certifications:


Essential Functions
: Provide a list of essential functions for this position. Example: Transports boxes weighing up to 60 pounds.
 1. Plan, develop and direct programs and Master Case Planning System process.
 2. Maintain a safe and secure environment
 3. Effectively communicate both orally and in writing
 4. Effectively supervise, train and develop employees.
 5. Respond to verbal radio transmissions
 6. Maintain standards of attendance
 7. Maintain a fiscally sound program
 8. Represent agency at juvenile court and other hearings
 9. Pass training and re-certification courses as required
 10. Travel and work overtime as assigned